
Las Vegas Elite FC has a no refund policy. Refunds may be approved only by the board of directors. Refunds to be considered only if a player is leaving because either the family has moved out of the geographical area (90 miles or more from training venue) or the player has suffered a season-ending injury.

Financial Commitment

Nonpayment of registration and/or team fees will result in a late fee of $35 on the 5th day of the late day assessed or in player suspension or removal from the team.

Players that leave during the contract year will be responsible for the remaining balance prior to getting a release from the club. Scholarshipped players will be responsible for the remaining balance and the full scholarship amount. All other club fees (i.e. fundraiser, volunteer fees) or team fees will need to be paid in full prior to release as well.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.